I have been trying to implement HTML5 socket server to broadcast whatever it receives to all its connected clients but have no success.
I am new to sockets, can someone pelase suggest me if there is anything already available opensource or what really is it one has to check for doing so. All i could see is client to server communication but there is no way i can send data from one client to server to the other client or simply put, the server just broadcast all messages to all its connected client??
It sounds like you're trying to achieve peer-to-peer communication, which isn't possible over websockets.
It wouldn't be very difficult to set up a fast broadcast server using Node.js and CoffeeScript, that just echoes everything it receives from one socket to all of the others connected:
net = require 'net'
Array::remove = (e) -> @[t..t] = [] if (t = @indexOf(e)) > -1
class Client
constructor: (@socket) ->
clients = []
server = net.createServer (socket) ->
client = new Client(socket)
clients.push client
socket.addListener 'connect', ->
socket.write "Welcome\r\n"
socket.addListener 'data', (data) ->
for c in clients when c isnt client
c.socket.write data
socket.addListener 'end', ->
clients.remove client
.listen 4000
console.log "Chat server is running at localhost:4000"