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how to convert markdown to html?

I want to convert a string (as markdown) to html. There are other libraries like react-markdown But libraries like this are meant to render the markdown as

<ReactMarkdown  children={input} />

The above is a react element. I dont want to render it . I just want a function which converts the markdown to pure html. Something like

let markdown="#hello";
let html=convertMarkdownToHtml(markdown);

Is there anything that can do that?


  • So, I've used the react-showdown package for one of my projects.

    There is actually one that's meant for pure JavaScript which can store the HTML in a variable as text. It's showdown.

    From the docs, the simple example provided is this:

    var converter = new showdown.Converter(),
        text      = '# hello, markdown!',
        html      = converter.makeHtml(text);

    The output is equal to

    <h1 id="hellomarkdown">hello, markdown!</h1>

    I've included a runnable example for you, below.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <script src=""></script>
            var converter = new showdown.Converter(),
                text      = `
    # hello, markdown!
    - list1
    - list2
    - list3
                html      = converter.makeHtml(text);