I need to make class B to work with graph of related objects of class A. An instance of B contains A by value, and links to linked B objects(array indexes). Array of B must to be private as OOP principles dictate. I have long generated initialization list.
//What I want to do(not working)
class A{};
class B{
static const B array[24]={B(A(),0,0,0,0,0,0),//zeros are numbers
...............//many rows
A a;
char l[6];
B(A _a,char l1, char l2, char l3,char l4, char l5, char l6);
//attempt with initialization in cpp
class A{};
class B{
static const extern B array[24];
A a;
char l[6];
B(A _a,char l1, char l2, char l3,char l4, char l5, char l6);
static const B::array={B(A(),0,0,0,0,0,0),//zeros are numbers
...............//many rows
I tried above and similar variants. Compiler says I can't use conflicting specifiers or incomplete types or that field was private. In the past instead of class I used namespace and it worked, but that way array is not encapsulated.
//global variable in namespace(works, but not private)
class A{};
namespace NSB{
class B{
A a;
char l[6];
B(A _a,char l1, char l2, char l3,char l4, char l5, char l6);
const extern B array[24];
const NSB array[24]={B(A(),0,0,0,0,0,0),//zeros are numbers
...............//many rows
I expect a way to make preinitialized private static array somehow.
Unsure what you tried differently ... that seems to compile (and run):
class A{};
class B{
static const B array[2];
A a;
char l[6];
B(A _a,char l1, char l2, char l3,char l4, char l5, char l6) {}
const B B::array[2]={B(A(),0,0,0,0,0,0), B(A(),0,0,0,0,0,0)};
int main() {}