The following command fails on jupyter notebook.
import cv2
The error message is as follows.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'.
My project uses poetry for package management and I first ran poetry add opencv-python
The installation was successful and the version number was displayed by running poetry show opencv-python
on the IDE terminal. However, I still got the same error on jupyter notebook.
Next, run pip install opencv-python
on the IDE terminal, and the error disappears and I can now run it.
Why does pip work and poetry does not?
How can I use poetry alone to manage my project without using pip?
IDE: VSCode 1.81.1
using DevContainer
run jupyter notebook on VSCode. The kernel is python 3.11.4
put the poetry.toml
file in the root of the project and added [virtualenvs] create = false
to it.
Here is the result of poetry env info
Python: 3.11.4
Implementation: CPython
Path: NA
Executable: NA
Platform: linux
OS: posix
Python: 3.11.4
Path: /usr/local/py-utils/venvs/poetry
Executable: /usr/local/py-utils/venvs/poetry/bin/python3.11
the output of poetry env list
is nothing.
the output of poetry config --list | grep virtualenvs
virtualenvs.create = false = null
virtualenvs.options.always-copy = false = false = false
virtualenvs.options.system-site-packages = false
virtualenvs.path = "{cache-dir}/virtualenvs" # /home/jovyan/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs
virtualenvs.prefer-active-python = false
virtualenvs.prompt = "{project_name}-py{python_version}"
python = "^3.11"
ipykernel = "^6.25.1"
opencv-python = "^"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
The output of print(sys.executable)
in notebook is /opt/conda/bin/python
The output of poetry run python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.executable)'
in IDE terminal is /usr/local/py-utils/venvs/poetry/bin/python3
I don't know the exact details, but I suspect that there is a problem with the jupyter/datascience-notebook
image that was used to create DevContainer.
I was able to work around the problem by creating my own Docker image based on the template for poetry.