I try to upload an image inside FutuerBuilder in flutter but nothing happen to the UI. I have to leave the current page and enter it again to see changes. That is happenn in uploading the image, but when I delete it the FutuerBuilder updated directly.
future: future,
initialData: const [],
builder: (context, imagesSnapshot) {
if (imagesSnapshot.data == null) {
return const Center(
child: Text("..."),
}else if (imagesSnapshot.hasError){
return const Center(child: Icon(Icons.error),);
} else {
final images = imagesSnapshot.data!
.where((element)=> element["collectionId"] == collections[i].collectionId);
I tried to use setState to re-build the page but it did not. Also I tried to load the data from the server but nothing happen.
I just removed initState and I put the future directly inside the FutureBuilder. and I reload the data agin after uploading has done, and that worked.