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In Dafny, show that a sequence of unique elements has the same size as the set of the same elements

I've created a verified SortedMap in Dafny. It is a sequence of (key, value) pairs. The keys are sorted, distinct integers. I can't figure how to show that the length of the "KeySet" must be equal to the length of the sequence.

-- Carl


this is the postcondition that could not be proved
7 |   ensures |KeySet(sorted_seq)| == |sorted_seq|

Simplifed code:

predicate SortedSeq(sequence: seq<(int, int)>) {
  forall i, j | 0 <= i < j < |sequence| :: sequence[i].0 < sequence[j].0

function KeySet(sorted_seq: seq<(int, int)>): set<int>
  requires SortedSeq(sorted_seq)
  ensures |KeySet(sorted_seq)| == |sorted_seq|
  set i | i in sorted_seq :: i.0

method Main()
  var s: seq<(int,int)> := [(1, 2), (30, 40), (50, 50)];
  print KeySet(s);



  • This property requires a proof by induction. Since the way you defined the function is not recursive, this is not easy to do in Dafny. You can either (1) prove the property in a separate inductive lemma, or (2) change the definition to be recursive.


    function KeySet(sorted_seq: seq<(int, int)>): set<int>
      set i | i in sorted_seq :: i.0
    lemma KeySetSize(sorted_seq: seq<(int, int)>)
      requires SortedSeq(sorted_seq)
      ensures |KeySet(sorted_seq)| == |sorted_seq|
      if sorted_seq == [] {
      } else {
        assert KeySet(sorted_seq) == {sorted_seq[0].0} + KeySet(sorted_seq[1..]);
    // You can optionally then recombined the bare function and lemma 
    // into a function with the right specification.
    function KeySetWithPost(sorted_seq: seq<(int, int)>): set<int>
      requires SortedSeq(sorted_seq)
      ensures |KeySetWithPost(sorted_seq)| == |sorted_seq|


    function KeySet(sorted_seq: seq<(int, int)>): set<int>
      requires SortedSeq(sorted_seq)
      ensures |KeySet(sorted_seq)| == |sorted_seq|
      ensures KeySet(sorted_seq) == set i | i in sorted_seq :: i.0
      if sorted_seq == [] then
        {sorted_seq[0].0} + KeySet(sorted_seq[1..])
    // Notice the extra postcondition above, which is required for the proof
    // to go through. Once the proof is done, you can wrap it in a function
    // with no extra postcondition.
    function KeySetWithoutExtraPost(sorted_seq: seq<(int, int)>): set<int>
      requires SortedSeq(sorted_seq)
      ensures |KeySet(sorted_seq)| == |sorted_seq|