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bash urlencoded variable only echoes once

This is a simplified version of a script that runs with one parameter

K1=eval /usr/bin/urlencode "$1" 
echo "$K1" # prints the correct url encoded $1 parameter
echo "$K1" # nothing printed

I looked at other more complex questions/answers to get why the variable lose its content

Moreover, without echoing $K1 anytime, I lose its value if I try to use it in another value like K2="zgrep $K1$DIR. Echoing $K2 prints zgrep $DIR value


  • As running this with bash -x will readily reveal, the echo outputs the variable's value both times. You are assigning K1="eval" for the duration of the urelencode command, and its results are simply being displayed on standard output. Presumably K1 was unset, so it then returns to an empty string; you are then running echo "" twice.

    I'm guessing you were trying to say

    k1=$(urlencode "$1")
    echo "$k1"
    echo "$k1"

    This is a very common beginner problem. See also How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash?, Assignment of variables with space after the (=) sign?, and somewhat more tangentially Correct Bash and shell script variable capitalization

    /usr/bin should already be on your PATH so I can't see a good reason to provide a full path to the executable. If you genuinely have a different tool with the same name earlier on your PATH, probably sort out that problem instead.