I have data in large table as follows
I would like to summarize in the following manner in Kusto. So in the above session A ends at PageId =5, session B ends at PageId=3, session C ends at PageId=2, session D ends at PageId=2. Hence the summarized table would be as below.
However, I am unable to figure out how to do it. Any tips on how to go about this - I tried summarize by maxif() but that didn't seem to work.
you could try something like this
let T = datatable(Session:string, PageId:long)
"A", 1,
"A", 2,
"A", 3,
"A", 4,
"A", 5,
"B", 1,
"B", 2,
"B", 3,
"C", 1,
"C", 2,
"D", 1,
"D", 2,
let session_ids = T | distinct PageId;
| join kind=leftouter (
| summarize PageId = max(PageId) by Session
| summarize count() by PageId
) on PageId
| extend count_ = coalesce(count_, 0)
| project PageId, count_
| order by PageId asc
PageId | count_ |
1 | 0 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 1 |
4 | 0 |
5 | 1 |