I am trying to build a python package following this tutorial.
So I have made a base folder, then a module folder, then inside it I have placed the file starting_template.py, which contains the function load_img
and a __init__.py
file whose content is barely
from starting_template import load_img
If I manually run __init__.py
, it works without showing any error, it prints "loaded!".
So this is the directory tree:
I have built the package by running
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
in the base directory, then I have uploaded the package on my pypi account by running
twine upload dist/opencv_auxiliary_for_vscode-0.0.2*
where 0.0.2
is the version number of the distribution,
and finally installed the module by running
pip install opencv_auxiliary_for_vscode==0.0.2
The package is uploaded here.
It is a lame code, but it is just to practice the process of building python packages.
Then, in a python file, I wrote the import statement
from opencv_auxiliary_for_vscode import load_img
but as I run it, I get the error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'starting_template'
I have also tried to import
from opencv_auxiliary_for_vscode.starting_template import load_img
but it does not work.
What am I possibly doing wrong?
As indicated by @h4z3, I had to change the content of __init__.py
from starting_template import load_img
from .starting_template import load_img # with the dot
to show it is a local import.
When you don't have the dot, it tries to find
in standard and installed packages.
It ( running
) worked before because you run the code as code, not as module, and current directory is always added to PATH
Also I had to increment by 0.0.1
variable in setup.py
every time I made a new attempt to re-upload the module
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/opencv_auxiliary_for_vscode-0.0.3*
# __token__
# PyPI api key
pip install opencv_auxiliary_for_vscode==0.0.3