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SSML for phone numbers with spoken dash

For an accessibility application I am using

using System.Speech.Synthesis;
class Element{
SpeechSynthesizer speaker = new SpeechSynthesizer();

  private void speakPhone(string content){
     string speak_string = "<speak version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"\" "
        + "xmlns:mstts=\"\" xml:lang=\"de-DE \">"
        + content + "</speak>";

Calling this with

Element element = new(Form1);
element.speakPhone("0123 456-789");

That way, the dash is just omitted in speaking.

But I want to acheive that the dash is spoken and each digit should be spoken instead of doing "seven hundred eighty...".

I replaced "-" with "Strich" but then it reads like "four-hundred-fifty six dash seven-hundred-..." (in German, of course)

Is there any elegant way with some <say-as> or other SSML tags?


  • This is a working script with the telephone tag. You can also use the ordinal tag if you want to say it number by number

    <speak version="1.0" xmlns="" xml:lang="string">
      <voice  name="en-AU-Catherine">
    My phone number is <say-as interpret-as="telephone">
    97 324 12 45
    <say-as interpret-as='ordinal'>