On the github website, it said something like "you are xx commits ahead and user2 is xx commits behind". I saw that for a long time and thought I had to do something to solve that. So I clicked it and it took my website back to where it was 8 months ago.
The place I clicked says "This branch is up to date with user/repository:main." when there are no commits. I don't remember exactly what it said before I clicked anymore.
I have a whole backup of the repository on my computer, and I use rstudio for it. However, when I try to "commit" or force push, there is nothing to click to commit and it also asks for my password and username, but then it says that this type of authentification is not supported anymore.
Not sure what to do.
git push origin
.Edit: if you want to replace the remote repository with your backup copy (NO CLONE, NO COMMITS HISTORY!).
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git init
.git remote add origin <REMOTE_REPOSITORY_URL>
.git add --all
.git commit -m "Whole replacement commit."
.git push --force
.Good luck!