I have 2 text files.
below text file is projectnameid.txt
. first column is project name. second column in project id
basket-items 9189
cloudfabric-notifications 10789
cloud-ports 10965
common 9081
customer-port-management 8550
deploy-quote 8348
geographical-location-management 8549
internet-connections 9293
ipaddress 8536
ip-addresses 9294
order-notifications 11725
order-status 8353
port-inventory 8486
port-locations 8490
pricing-quotes 8493
product-availability 8488
product-catalogue 8489
product-countrylist 8492
stub-service 8510
customer-port-management-sf 10488
internet-connections-order-sf 11166
ip-addresses-order-sf 11165
below text file is endfilter3-all-b.txt
337718 10965 "refs/merge-requests/13/head" "2023-07-19T11:39:41.739Z"
318933 8536 "develop" "2023-07-05T11:41:28.482Z"
366210 8549 "develop" "2023-08-11T13:49:18.905Z"
338835 8510 "main" "2023-07-20T06:45:59.823Z"
135208 8348 "main" "2023-02-17T11:25:07.723Z"
115402 8493 "main" "2023-02-07T06:52:05.486Z"
361979 9293 "refs/merge-requests/83/head" "2023-08-09T07:38:32.831Z"
345703 11725 "main" "2023-07-26T08:31:11.004Z"
101775 8353 "main" "2023-02-02T09:22:47.402Z"
115414 8486 "main" "2023-02-07T07:41:35.478Z"
150861 9081 "main" "2023-03-13T05:37:31.370Z"
135733 8489 "main" "2023-02-17T16:14:51.280Z"
first column is pipeline id, second column is project id, third column is branch name, fourth column is timestamp
I have to read endfilter3-all-b.txt first
then select each project id and match the project id from projectnameid.txt
after pick the matching project id and project name write it to finalized-project-names.txt
expected output:
cloud-ports 10965
ipaddress 8536
geographical-location-management 8549
stub-service 8510
deploy-quote 8348
pricing-quotes 8493
internet-connections 9293
order-notifications 11725
order-status 8353
port-inventory 8486
common 9081
product-catalogue 8489
this is what I tried:
> finalized-project-names.txt
while read -r project_name project_id; do
done < "$project_name_id_file"
while read pipeline_id project_id branch_name timestamp; do
if [ -n "$project_name" ]; then
echo "$project_name $project_id" >> finalized-project-names.txt
done < "$endfilter3_all_b_file"
output I got:
cloud-ports 10965
ipaddress 8536
geographical-location-management 8549
stub-service 8510
deploy-quote 8348
pricing-quotes 8493
internet-connections 9293
order-notifications 11725
order-status 8353
port-inventory 8486
common 9081
product-catalogue 8489
cloud-ports 10965
ipaddress 8536
geographical-location-management 8549
stub-service 8510
deploy-quote 8348
pricing-quotes 8493
internet-connections 9293
order-notifications 11725
order-status 8353
port-inventory 8486
common 9081
product-catalogue 8489
Can someone help me to figure this out pls?
Should be pretty-straightforward with Awk. Store the project names in a map data-structure in the endfilter3-all-b.txt
file and look out for keys matching in the other file projectnameid.txt
and write the output,
awk 'FNR==NR{key[$2]; next}$2 in key' endfilter3-all-b.txt projectnameid.txt
If the above results look good, write the output to the destination file by using the re-direct operator. Append > finalized-project-names.txt
at the end of the above command.