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Adding subtotals to pivot_table using groupby

I'm trying to include subtotals in my pivot_table.

Pivot table code

# Specify the aggregation functions
aggfunc = {'amt': 'sum', 'llp': 'first'}

Pivot and calculate aggregated values using aggfunc

Pivoted_data = pd.pivot_table(pivot_data,index=['Expense', 'Name', 'Currency', 'Facility'],values= ["amt", "llp"], aggfunc= aggfunc, dropna=True)

I have this code which works but my output is creating a long string rather than separate columns for each of the indexes.

sub = pd.concat([d.append(d.sum().rename((k,'Total')))
for k, d in pivoted_data.groupby(level=0)])
.append(pivoted_data.sum().rename(('Grand','Total'))) ```

How can I have it so the indexes aren't merged together as a list in one cell when exporting to excel?

So I want this:

Expense Name Currency Name Amt LLP
A Xy Eur Xyz 7059 0
A Total 7059 0
B Zz GBP Xyzs 5803 50
B Z2z GBP Xyzs123 9586 6000
B Total 15389 6050

But my code is giving me this.

A, Xy, Eur,Xyz 7059 0
A Total 7059
B, Zz, GBP, Xyzs 5803 50
B, Z2z, GBP, Xyzs123 9586 6000
B Total 15389


  • There is MultiIndex with 4 levels, so added tuples with all values, because append is deprecated solution use concat:

    sub = pd.concat([pd.concat([d, d.sum().rename((f'{k} Total','','','')).to_frame().T]) 
                     for k, d in pivoted_data.groupby(level=0)] + 
                    [pivoted_data.sum().rename((f'Grand Total','','','')).to_frame().T])
    print (sub)
                                         Amt   LLP
    Expense     Name Currency Name.1              
    A           Xy   Eur      Xyz       7059     0
    A Total                             7059     0
    B           Zz   GBP      Xyzs      5803    50
                Z2z  GBP      Xyzs123   9586  6000
    B Total                            15389  6050
    Grand Total                        22448  6050