I am completely lost on how to build an R Shiny app that displays both graphical and tabular data. The goal is to 1. scrap USGS data, 2. build a plot panel of the flow data, and 3. have a tab with a table of the data. Below is the working script that scrapes USGS data and successfully builds the plot panel. I need to move the data frame development for the table and plot (same data, just displayed in different ways) to a reactive function outside of the plot-building server loop but I have not been able to figure it out.
C_site_numbers <- list("10308200", "10309000")
C_site_names <- list("Markleeville (cfs)", "Gardnerville (cfs)")
ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("yeti"),
titlePanel("USGS Streamflow Data"),
wellPanel(dateInput("start_date", "Start Date:", value = Sys.Date() - 7), width = 10)),
wellPanel(dateInput("end_date", "End Date:", value = Sys.Date()), width = 10)),
tabPanel("Carson Basin", plotlyOutput("C_plot_panel", width = "100%", height = ceiling(length(C_site_numbers)) * 400)),
tabPanel("Carson Tablular", dataTableOutput("Data_Tables", width = "100%", height = ceiling(length(C_site_numbers)) * 400))
server <- function(input, output) {
# Define a reactive expression for the data frame
df <- reactive({
start_date <- ymd(input$start_date)
end_date <- ymd(input$end_date)
df <- data.frame(seq(from = start_date, to = end_date, by = 0.0069444444444444)) ##by value is equal to 5 mins intervals
colnames(df)[1] <- 'dateTime'
# Loop through each site number and download/streamflow data
for (C_site_number in C_site_numbers) {
n <- which(C_site_numbers == C_site_number)
plot_n <- unlist(C_site_names[n])
para_code = if (plot_n == 'Lahontan (acre-ft)') {'00054'} else {'00060'}
streamflow <- readNWISuv(siteNumbers = C_site_number, parameterCd = para_code,
startDate = start_date, endDate = end_date)
attr(streamflow$dateTime, 'tzone') <- "America/Los_Angeles"
# Prepare data for merging
streamflow_df <- data.frame(
dateTime = as.POSIXct(streamflow$dateTime, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
Flow = if (plot_n == 'Lahontan (acre-ft)') {streamflow$X_00054_00000} else {streamflow$X_00060_00000}
# Merge data frames
df <- merge(x = df, y = streamflow_df, by = 'dateTime', all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
# Carson Plot Panel
output$C_plot_panel <- renderPlotly({
# Create an empty list to store the individual plots
C_plots <- list()
# Loop through each site number and download/streamflow data
for (C_site_number in C_site_numbers) {
n <- which(C_site_numbers == C_site_number)
plot_n <- unlist(C_site_names[n])
streamflow_df <- df()
# Create the plot using plotly
plot <- plot_ly(data = streamflow_df, x = ~dateTime, y = ~Flow, type = "scatter", mode = "lines") %>%
layout(yaxis = list(title = plot_n)) %>%
layout(hovermode = "x unified", plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(212,213,214)', showlegend = FALSE)
C_plots[[C_site_number]] <- plot
C_plot_panel <- subplot(C_plots, nrows = ceiling(length(C_site_numbers)), titleY = TRUE, margin = 0.07)
# Carson Tabular
output$Data_Tables <- renderDataTable({
streamflow_df <- df()
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thank you so much in advance! I have tried of all my resources before asking (in-depth SO searchers, chatGPT, friends). Self teaching R Shiny is not easy.
One way to do it is
C_site_numbers <- list("10308200", "10309000")
C_site_names <- list("Markleeville (cfs)", "Gardnerville (cfs)")
ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("yeti"),
titlePanel("USGS Streamflow Data"),
wellPanel(dateInput("start_date", "Start Date:", value = Sys.Date() - 7), width = 10)),
wellPanel(dateInput("end_date", "End Date:", value = Sys.Date()), width = 10)),
tabPanel("Carson Basin", plotlyOutput("C_plot_panel", width = "100%", height = ceiling(length(C_site_numbers)) * 400)),
tabPanel("Carson Tablular", dataTableOutput("Data_Tables", width = "100%", height = ceiling(length(C_site_numbers)) * 400))
server <- function(input, output) {
# Define a reactive expression for the data frame & plots
df <- reactive({
start_date <- ymd(input$start_date)
end_date <- ymd(input$end_date)
dateTime=format( seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct(start_date), as.POSIXct(end_date), by = "5 min"),
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", tz="America/Los_Angeles") ##
df <- data.frame(dateTime=as.POSIXct(dateTime))
# Create an empty list to store the individual plots
# df <- data.frame(seq(from = start_date, to = end_date, by = 0.0069444444444444)) ##by value is equal to 5 mins intervals
# colnames(df)[1] <- 'dateTime'
df1 <- data.frame(dateTime=as.POSIXct(start_date), Flow=NA, site=1)
for (C_site_number in C_site_numbers) {
n <- which(C_site_numbers == C_site_number)
plot_n <- unlist(C_site_names[n])
para_code = if (plot_n == 'Lahontan (acre-ft)') {'00054'} else {'00060'}
streamflow <- readNWISuv(siteNumbers = C_site_number, parameterCd = para_code,
startDate = start_date, endDate = end_date)
attr(streamflow$dateTime, 'tzone') <- "America/Los_Angeles"
# Prepare data for merging
streamflow_df <- data.frame( # site = C_site_names[n],
dateTime = as.POSIXct(streamflow$dateTime, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
Flow = if (plot_n == 'Lahontan (acre-ft)') {streamflow$X_00054_00000} else {streamflow$X_00060_00000},
site = n
# Merge data frames
dfa <- merge(x = df, y = streamflow_df, by = 'dateTime', all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
df1 <- rbind(df1,dfa)
df2 <- df1[complete.cases(df1),] ## remove NAs for Flow
C_plots <- list()
# Loop through each site number and download/streamflow data
lapply(C_site_numbers, function(C_site_number){
n <- which(C_site_numbers == C_site_number)
plot_n <- unlist(C_site_names[n])
# Create the plot using plotly
plot <- plot_ly(data = df2[df2$site==n,], x = ~dateTime, y = ~Flow, type = "scatter", mode = "lines") %>%
layout(yaxis = list(title = plot_n)) %>%
layout(hovermode = "x unified", plot_bgcolor = 'rgb(212,213,214)', showlegend = FALSE)
C_plots[[C_site_number]] <<- plot
return(list(data = df2, plots = C_plots))
# Carson Plot Panel
output$C_plot_panel <- renderPlotly({
C_plots <- df()[[2]]
C_plot_panel <- subplot(C_plots, nrows = ceiling(length(C_site_numbers)), titleY = TRUE, margin = 0.07)
# Carson Tabular
output$Data_Tables <- renderDataTable({
mydf <- df()[[1]]
mydf %>% select(-site)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)