I am new to Python and GCP but I am trying to create some tests for my GCF function that moves a file from one bucket to another.
import functions_framework
from google.cloud import storage
storageClient = storage.Client()
def storage_trigger(cloud_event):
data = cloud_event.data
return move_file_to_folder(data)
def move_file_to_folder(data):
file_name = data['name']
folder_name = 'test-folder/'
source_bucket = storageClient.get_bucket(data['bucket'])
source_blob = source_bucket.get_blob(file_name)
dest_file_name = file_name
if source_bucket.get_blob(folder_name + file_name):
#This is what I need to mock
dest_file_name = increment_file_name(source_bucket, folder_name, file_name)
source_bucket.copy_blob(source_blob, source_bucket, folder_name + dest_file_name)
return f'{dest_file_name} successfully sent and moved!'
except Exception as e:
return Exception
def increment_file_name(source_bucket, folder_name, file_name):
new_name = file_name
split_name = file_name.split('.')
first_part = '.'.join(split_name[:-1])
ext = split_name[-1]
num = 1
while source_bucket.get_blob(folder_name + new_name):
new_name = f'{first_part}-{num}.{ext}'
num += 1
return new_name
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
from cloudevents.http import CloudEvent
import main
attributes = {
"id": "5e9f24a",
"type": "google.cloud.storage.object.v1.finalized",
"source": "sourceUrlHere",
data = {
'bucket': 'test_bucket',
'contentType': 'audio/mpeg',
'id': 'test.mp3',
'kind': 'storage#object',
'name': 'test.mp3',
'size': '184162',
'storageClass': 'STANDARD',
'timeCreated': '2023-07-25T13:42:25.541Z',
'updated': '2023-07-25T13:42:25.541Z'
event = CloudEvent(attributes, data)
class SuccessTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
return super().setUpClass()
def test_storage_trigger(self, mock_storage, func):
mock_storage_client = mock_storage.Client.return_value
mock_bucket = Mock()
mock_storage_client.get_bucket.return_value = mock_bucket
func.return_value = 'new-test-file-name.mp3'
expected = 'Data successfully inserted into BigQuery table.', 200
self.assertEqual(main.storage_trigger(event), expected)
if __name__ == "__main__":
If I don't mock the increment_file_name function, it just increments until eternity (I assume because the the mock is designed to just say it exists?). So I am trying to patch that function
Several resources indicate that I need to patch where the function is called not the function itself, but the function call is being assigned to a variable. I tried: @patch('main.move_file_to_folder.increment_file_name')
but then it cant find the attribute increment_file_name
So how do I tell the test that make the reassignment of dest_file_name
to be 'new-test-file-name.mp3'?
I believe it will work if you use it with __name__
def test_storage_trigger(self, mock_storage):
mock_storage_client = mock_storage.Client.return_value
mock_bucket = Mock()
mock_storage_client.get_bucket.return_value = mock_bucket
expected = 'Data successfully inserted into BigQuery table.', 200
with mock.patch(
self.assertEqual(main.storage_trigger(event), expected)