I have a Post API that contains the following Request Body
"format": "csv",
"compress": "false",
here is my code, my variable is returning correclty but i can't get the String Interpolation set up correctly please help!
var strStartDateZulu = strStartDate+"Z";
return await MakeApiCallAsync("RequestFileAsync", string.Empty, HttpMethod.Post, $"{\"format\":\"csv\", \"compress\":\"false\", \"startDate\":\"{strStartDateZulu}\"}", false);
Personally I would just use serialization with anonymous object, i.e. something like the following:
var request = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new
format = "csv",
compress = "false",
startDate = strStartDateZulu
But if you are keen on using string interpolation you will need to use double curly braces to escape curly braces in the interpolated string:
var request = $"{{\"format\":\"csv\", \"compress\":\"false\", \"startDate\":\"{strStartDateZulu}\"}}";
Also since C# 11 you also can use raw string literals:
var request = $$"""
"compress": "false",
"startDate": "{{strStartDateZulu}}"