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JasperReport PDF displayed unrecognized binary after hardening Tomcat 7 web.xml

Trust all well.

Actually, I want to do a security enhancement on my mixed spring roo and spring mvc web application on tomcat 7.

After I changed and put a piece of code as per below at web.xml tomcat:


Then, my output of pdf report became not working as a snapshot below:enter image description here

From my research, I must put /report/** path in exception list by configure at security config xml file. but I did not have any idea on xml config. For me, Java config is more ease to configure.

Is it correct idea? Any clues and solution in how to solve it?


  • Define HttpServletResponse response at your controller method parameter.

    and then just add this code as per below, set parameter value to application/pdf because my output is pdf file type:
