I have a repo on GitHub with the following branch protection rules enabled on main
My question is, can I merge a branch into main
via "Rebase and merge" option in a pull request without breaking rules since I'm actually not clear about what "Rebase and merge" does on the target branch.
I've added some commit to a new branch and created a pull request. And I've enabled auto-merge (rebase). But the merge just stucks even if all required status checks have passed. It reports that "Base branch requires signed commits".
Here is my pull request: Update: causal inference
can I merge a branch into main via "Rebase and merge" option in a pull request without breaking rules
No. If what you are trying to do were possible, all the commits reachable on main would be unsigned. In effect, therefore, what you're trying to do is to completely evade the signing requirement.
Rebase and merge, despite the name, is not a merge. Instead, it creates a whole new series of commits directly on main. These new commits are not the same as the commits that constitute your PR branch, even though they are ultimately based on them. So even though your PR branch commits are signed, these new commits, by definition, are not signed. So you would be introducing onto main a set of commits that are unsigned and have no traceable history of origin. And that is forbidden.