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Postgres insert is happening inspite of violating partial index constraint

Hi we have a table named billing_infos , where a partial index is created on three fields,account_id, state_id and deleted_at where deleted_at is NULL , My expectation is insert operation should fail on trying to insert duplicate values for account_id, state_id, deleted_at = null . But it seems it is creating another entry with duplicates. Is there any caveat with partial index when we check with null condition , I have gone through official documentation but couldn't find one, below is the snippet for my table schema

porterbizz=> \d+ application.billing_infos; Table

     Column      |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                        Default                        | Storage  | Stats target | Description
 id              | integer                     |           | not null | nextval('application.billing_infos_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
 account_id      | integer                     |           | not null |                                                       | plain    |              |
 gst_in          | character varying(256)      |           | not null |                                                       | extended |              |
 gst_reg_address | character varying(256)      |           | not null |                                                       | extended |              |
 invoice_address | character varying(256)      |           | not null |                                                       | extended |              |
 state_id        | integer                     |           | not null |                                                       | plain    |              |
 default         | boolean                     |           | not null | false                                                 | plain    |              |
 deleted_at      | timestamp without time zone |           |          |                                                       | plain    |              |
    "billing_infos_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "account_id_state_id_deleted_at_uniq_index" UNIQUE, btree (account_id, state_id, deleted_at) WHERE deleted_at IS NULL


  • Please remove deleted_at from your partial unique index because null never equals anything--not even another null.

    Without the deleted_at, the uniqueness is enforced:

    # create table billing_infos (
       id int not null generated always as identity primary key,
       account_id int not null,
       state_id int not null,
       deleted_at timestamp
    # create unique index idx_1 on billing_infos (account_id, state_id) 
       where deleted_at is null;
    # insert into billing_infos(account_id, state_id, deleted_at) values (1, 1, null);
    INSERT 0 1
    # insert into billing_infos(account_id, state_id, deleted_at) values (1, 1, null);
    ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "idx_1"
    DETAIL:  Key (account_id, state_id)=(1, 1) already exists.

    But include deleted_at in the index, and the duplicate inserts succeed:

    # drop index idx_1;
    # create unique index idx_1 on billing_infos (account_id, state_id, deleted_at)
       where deleted_at is null;
    # insert into billing_infos(account_id, state_id, deleted_at) values (1, 1, null);
    INSERT 0 1
    # select * from billing_infos;
    │ id │ account_id │ state_id │ deleted_at │
    │  1 │          1 │        1 │            │
    │  3 │          1 │        1 │            │
    (2 rows)

    Working fiddle