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How to collapse navigation panel by default in Ext JS admin dashboard?

I want to modify the side navigation panel of an existing Ext JS app so that, when I open the app, instead of being expanded by default it is collapsed instead. I believe I am working with a slightly customized version of the default Ext JS admin dashboard.

Any suggestions?

Here's the code:

Ext.define('MainHub.view.main.MainController', {
    extend: '',
    alias: 'controller.main',

    listen: {
        controller: {
            '#': {
                unmatchedroute : 'onRouteChange'

    routes: {
        ':node': 'onRouteChange'

    lastView: null,

    onMainViewRender: function() {
        var me = this;

        Ext.getStore('NavigationTree').on('load', function() {
            if (!window.location.hash) {

        if (!USER.is_staff) {

    onNavigationTreeSelectionChange: function(tree, node) {
        var to = node && (node.get('routeId') || node.get('viewType'));

        if (to) {




  • In addition to setting navigationTreeList.setMicro(true), the trick to avoid the Layout run failed error is to set a value for navigationTreeList.expandedWidth in onMainViewRender, like so

    onMainViewRender: function () {
        var me = this,
            refs = me.getReferences(),
            navigationList = refs.navigationTreeList;
        refs.navigationTreeList.expandedWidth = 300;

    I've updated my fiddle to shows how this can be done.