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rubymine generate routes.rb

I am new to Ruby on Rails and have some problems.

For the development I use RubyMine IDE, I manage to create models, controllers and views, but I have problems with the routing. By default, routes.rb file contains only this method Apis::Application.routes.draw do with an empty body.

For example, I create a controller TestController, then the index method and in routes.rb I add this instruction resources :test. So far, it works fine. But if I add another method, let's say method1 (and the view) I can't reach it in a browser http://localhost:3000/test/method1.

What else should I add in routes.rb file?

Is there any way to make the routing automatically from the IDE, with less editing the routes file?


  • resources :test 

    is a resourceful route which provides a mapping between HTTP verbs and URLs to controller actions. By convention, each action also maps to particular CRUD operations in a database

    you can uncomment in your routes to enable the controller action mapping.

    match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'

    or use -

    match "/test/method1" => "test#method1"

    Detailed routes info @