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C# wrapper for Winsock 2 DLL?

Now that Silverlight 5 (RC) supports P/Invoke, I am thinking of implementing a Socket class with server functionality, i.e. a class that implements the Bind, Listen, Accept methods, etc. With P/Invoke, I would be able to access the socket methods in ws2_32.dll from my Silverlight class library.

If possible, I would like to get a head start. It's a long-shot, but: has anyone implemented a C# wrapper to the Winsock 2 DLL, and in that case, is this effort publicly available?

The Mono project of course provides its own Socket implementation in C#, but this code comes with a little bit of overhead, to say the least. I am looking for a more light-weight solution, if there is any.


  • not sure whether this is what you are looking for but on you can find the signatures you are looking for, just look on the left side of the site for ws2_32

    EDIT - after comments:

    This seems to be a VB-implemented wrapper for Winsock2 which can be used by C# .