I have an Azure Logic App (Standard) which is in a VNET integrated environment. I want to get triggered by an upload of a blob to a storage account with the following structure:
I need to use the Azure Blob Connector (in App)
I know that the connector gets only triggered if I choose as Blob Path the name of the container. Therefore I need to be sure, that the Logic App is only triggered, by a specific type of files with the ending "*.zrxp". So I wanted to use Trigger Conditions like this:
"triggers": {
"When_a_blob_is_added_or_updated": {
"conditions": [
"expression": "@endsWith(triggerBody()?['name'],'.zrxp')"
"inputs": {
"parameters": {
"path": "containerName"
"serviceProviderConfiguration": {
"connectionName": "AzureBlob-4",
"operationId": "whenABlobIsAddedOrModified",
"serviceProviderId": "/serviceProviders/AzureBlob"
"type": "ServiceProvider"
But if I upload a file with this file ending to this container (containerName/SubFolder1), the workflow is not tiggered.
Any ideas what could be wrong?
I have reproduced the issue at my environment and got the expected result
Code view:
"definition": {
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Logic/schemas/2016-06-01/workflowdefinition.json#",
"actions": {},
"contentVersion": "",
"outputs": {},
"triggers": {
"When_a_blob_is_added_or_updated": {
"inputs": {
"parameters": {
"path": "demo-container/SubFolder1/{name}.zrxp"
"serviceProviderConfiguration": {
"connectionName": "AzureBlob-2",
"operationId": "whenABlobIsAddedOrModified",
"serviceProviderId": "/serviceProviders/AzureBlob"
"type": "ServiceProvider"
"kind": "Stateful"
Storage Account:
Reference:- MS Docs