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Do we really need to ensure giving up ownership when moving a `unique_ptr`?

I'm reading Nicolai M. Josuttis's C++ Move Semantics - The Complete Guide book (which is pretty good imho) and I'm not sure I agree with the comments in one of the examples.

Quote (from 6.1.2 - Guaranteed States of Moved-From Objects):

Similar code can be useful to release memory for an object that a unique pointer uses:

draw(std::move(up));  // the unique pointer might or might not give up ownership
up.reset();           // ensure we give up ownership and release any resource

Let's assume that the up variable is indeed unique_ptr and the draw function receives the unique_ptr by value (otherwise, what's the point of moving the pointer to a "passed-by-ref" function).

I understand that it is legal to call reset on a "moved-from" object. But what I do not understand is why it is "required" in order to "ensure we give up ownership and release any resource" and how is it possible that "the unique pointer might or might not give up ownership"?

After all, unique_ptrs cannot be copied and the whole idea is that they guarantee only one ownership.

So, afaik, if my two assumptions are correct, there is no need to call the reset function to ensure the ownership was given away.

Am I missing something?


  • First of all, if the parameter is accepted by value, then we have the guarantee that it's actually being moved from, not just maybe, and that ownership over resources is given up (unless the move constructor does nothing, but that would be nonsensical). We might have to call .reset() otherwise for two possible reasons:

    You may have to .reset() if the argument isn't always moved from

    Consider the following signature:

    void draw(std::unique_ptr<T> &&uptr);

    Such a signature is generally preferred over accepting moved-from parameters by value by CppCoreGuidelines F.18: For “will-move-from” parameters, pass by X&& and std::move the parameter, although an exception is made for types like std::unique_ptr.

    In such a case, we don't know whether draw moves from the uptr for sure unless we look at its implementation:

    void draw(std::unique_ptr<T> &&uptr) {
        // If 'condition' is false, then 'uptr' won't be moved from, and the
        // caller may have to .reset() to free up resources immediately.
        if (condition) {

    You may have to .reset() for swapping move assignment

    Furthermore, a few people tend to implement the move assignment operator as follows:

    T& operator=(T&& other) noexcept {
        return *this;
    void draw(std::unique_ptr<T> &&uptr) {
        // This effectively swaps 'something' with 'uptr', which means that
        // the caller has to .reset() to free the resources in 'something',
        // unless they can rely on the destructor of 'uptr' to do that.
        something = std::move(uptr);

    This forces the caller to use .reset() if they want these resources freed immediately, not when the argument goes out of scope.

    No standard library types implement move assignment like this, and it's overall not a good idea, but it is valid, and may force us to make the call.