When I run the command from terminal : sbt run
It logs on the console like this:
[info] welcome to sbt 1.3.13 (Azul Systems, Inc. Java 1.8.0_362)
[info] loading global plugins from /.sbt/1.0/plugins
[info] loading settings for project from plugins.sbt ...
[info] loading project definition from /demo/project
[info] loading settings for project root from build.sbt ...
[info] __ __
[info] \ \ ____ / /____ _ __ __
[info] \ \ / __ \ / // __ `// / / /
[info] / / / /_/ // // /_/ // /_/ /
[info] /_/ / .___//_/ \__,_/ \__, /
[info] /_/ /____/
[info] Version 2.8.18 running Java 1.8.0_362
[info] Play is run entirely by the community. Please consider contributing and/or donating:
[info] https://www.playframework.com/sponsors
Now, I want to modify below default banner to a custom banner.
[info] __ __
[info] \ \ ____ / /____ _ __ __
[info] \ \ / __ \ / // __ `// / / /
[info] / / / /_/ // // /_/ // /_/ /
[info] /_/ / .___//_/ \__,_/ \__, /
[info] /_/ /____/
Is it even possible to modify? If yes, then please mention on how to do it.
Override onLoadMessage
key in the build.sbt of your project:
import play.sbt.Colors
onLoadMessage := {
"""| __ __
| \ \ ____ / /____ _ __ __
| \ \ / __ \ / // __ `// / / /
| / / / /_/ // // /_/ // /_/ /
| /_/ / .___//_/ \__,_/ \__, /
| /_/ /____/
If you want a custom banner for e.g. your contributors, personally I prefer to use sbt-welcome to provide users with some nice welcome message, useful tasks and hints how to start working with the code. It will set up onLoadMessage
using some structured format.