I have a data frame in R, in one of the columns data is like this
"828/km (2,140/sq mi)" "365/km (950/sq mi)" "1,102/km (2,850/sq mi)"
"1,029/km (2,670/sq mi)" "236/km (610/sq mi)" "555/km (1,440/sq mi)"
I want to trim this data so that it becomes like this
828 365 1102 1029 236 555
How can I do it?
I have tried using gsub and grepl function with this code
grepl("[0-9]+/km",Population.Density.a.), as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9]","",Population.Density.a.))
The code did not work
Tried str_extract function
Got this result
"828/km" "365/km" "102/km" "029/km" "236/km" "555/km" "201/km" "319/km" "308/km" "303/km"
should have been
"828/km" "365/km" "1,102/km" "1,029/km" "236/km" "555/km" "201/km" "319/km" "308/km" "303/km"
Got this result
"2,140" NA "1,102" "1,029" NA "1,440" NA NA NA NA
You could do something like this...
x <- c("828/km (2,140/sq mi)", "365/km (950/sq mi)", "1,102/km (2,850/sq mi)",
"1,029/km (2,670/sq mi)", "236/km (610/sq mi)", "555/km (1,440/sq mi)")
as.numeric(gsub("(\\d+).+", "\\1", gsub(",", "", x)))
[1] 828 365 1102 1029 236 555
It is easiest to remove the commas first, and then remove everything after the first string of digits.