I would like to try to use the Sed command to capitalize the first letter of the first word in the sentences, in a text where all the sentences begin with a double hyphen and one space.
For example, I would like to transform this text:
Pluto Is A Dwarf Planet -- Chemical Elements Are Cool -- Astronomical Objects Live In Space -- The Solar System Is Our Home -- I Want To Live On Another Planet Next To My Wife.
Into this one:
Pluto is a dwarf planet -- Chemical elements are cool -- Astronomical objects live in space -- The solar system is our home -- I want to live on another planet next to my wife.
(There is no line break, it's a whole block of text).
Thank you in advance for your help!
I tried to read the documentation, but it is very vast and I haven't found it yet...
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/.*/\L&/;s/^.\|-- ./\U&/g' file
Prepare the way by making every character lowercase.
Then translate the first character or the first character following --
into its uppercase equivalent.