I'd like to access member of a union by member name or by a "wrapped" structs, such as:
#include <iostream>
struct MyClass
union {
int t1;
float t2;
struct {
int t1;
float t2;
} mySharedData;
MyClass() {
int main()
MyClass myClass;
myClass.t2 = 10.1;
std::cout << myClass.mySharedData.t2 << std::endl;
but it seems that t2 and mySharedData.t2 are not pointing to the same memory. Is there a way to do somethings like this? So I can access to a sub-group of members by its name or by grouped struct.
It seems you just want "alias" for your members.
is NOT the solution.
You might, with a little different syntax, have those alias.
struct MyClass
struct {
int t1 = 0;
float t2 = 0;
} mySharedData;
MyClass() {}
// const version omitted for simplicity.
auto operator ->() { return &mySharedData; }
auto& t1() { return mySharedData.t1; }
auto& t2() { return mySharedData.t2; }
You might have
myClass->t1 = 42; // version 1 o->t1 instead of o.t1
myClass.t2() = 10.1f; // version 2 o.t2() instead of o.t2()
std::cout << myClass.mySharedData.t2; // and regular access.