I have written this - it works fine:
use Grammar::Tracer;
my grammar Lambda {
token TOP { <signature> <body> ' as ' <r-type> }
rule signature { '|' <a-sig> [',' <b-sig>]? '|' }
rule a-sig { 'a:' <a-type> }
rule b-sig { 'b:' <b-type> }
token body { '(' <expr> ')' <?before ' as '> }
token expr { <-[()]>* }
token a-type { @types }
token b-type { @types }
token r-type { @types }
Lambda.parse("|a: i32, b: i32| (a + b) as i32");
gives what I need:
| signature
| | a-sig
| | | a-type
| | | * MATCH "i32"
| | * MATCH "a: i32"
| | b-sig
| | | b-type
| | | * MATCH "i32"
| | * MATCH "b: i32"
| * MATCH "|a: i32, b: i32| "
| body
| | expr
| | * MATCH "a + b"
| * MATCH "(a + b)"
| r-type
| * MATCH "i32"
* MATCH "|a: i32, b: i32| (a + b) as i32"
BUT I would like to do this string (and similar):
|a: str, b: i32| (a.len() as i32 + b) as i32
I would like to find some way to "pin" the match to be the last valid match for 'as type' before the end of the string
And how to match but not capture only the other parens.
After some trial and error, I managed to work this out (Grammar::Tracer is soooo helpful!)
Here's the working Grammar
my @types = <bool i32 i64 u32 u64 f32 f64 str>;
my grammar Lambda {
rule TOP { <signature> <body> <as-type> }
rule signature { '|' <a-sig> [',' <b-sig>]? '|' }
rule a-sig { 'a:' <a-type> }
rule b-sig { 'b:' <b-type> }
rule as-type { 'as' <r-type> }
rule body { '(' <expr> ')' <?before <as-type>> }
rule expr { .* <?before ')'> }
token a-type { @types }
token b-type { @types }
token r-type { @types }
The changes I made were:
to bundle the return type as a single matcher in TOP so that it always matches at the end<body>
has a lookahead assertion so is always before an <as-type>
has a lookahead assertion so is always before an ')'