I'm working with Python framework Django. I used Pycharm's terminal created virtual environment. {.\venv\Scripts\activate} It was created, and i run the server with this python manage.py runserver But the system responds: No Python at "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\python.exe But i installed and using Python 3.11.2 And i have file manage.py in project1 folder What should i do?
The code
PS D:\binkw32.dll\djangomorning> .\venv1\Scripts\activate
(venv1) PS D:\binkw32.dll\djangomorning> cd project1
(venv1) PS D:\binkw32.dll\djangomorning\project1> python manage.py runserver
No Python at 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\python.exe'
(venv1) PS D:\binkw32.dll\djangomorning\project1>
The key error is that you have installed venv of version 3.8.x, and it tries to find the it, while you have base interpreter of version 3.11.x.
In PyCharm go to Settings
-> Project
-> Python Interpreter
-> Add Interpreter
Hope it will solve your problem.