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Match and subtract: one column to multiple columns

I have to two data tables, one with two columns and the other with multiple columns.


Samples Val
a        2
b       58 
c        4
d      100


Samples  A1    A2    A3
a       100    67     3
c        54    89   120
d        23    64    46
f         6    99    35 

Now I have a big issue with that in R:

I would like to substract values of table2 from values (Val) of table1 when Samples match. The final substracted values should replace those one in table2 (or in a new table row and column names should be the same as table2). values < 0 should be replace by 0

The final table should look like that:


Samples  A1    A2    A3
a        98    65     1
c        50    85   116
d         0     0     0
f         6    99    35

Can anyone please help me with that?


  • Make a vector that matches the sample names, then subtract:

    x <- table1$Val[ match(table2$Samples, table1$Samples) ] 
    # if sample doesn't match, then zero, nothing to subtract
    x <- ifelse(, 0, x)
    # [1]   2   4 100   0
    table2[, -1] <- table2[, -1] - x
    # if negative then assign zero
    table2[, -1][ table2[, -1] < 0 ] <- 0
    #   Samples A1 A2  A3
    # 1       a 98 65   1
    # 2       c 50 85 116
    # 3       d  0  0   0
    # 4       f  6 99  35