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File not found while reading json file on Asset folder using kotlin

I am trying to write a new json data on my json file which is located in asset folder inside mcdata folder.

fun writeToFile(fileName: String, fileContent: String) {
        try {
            val fileOutputStream = FileOutputStream(this.resources.assets.openFd("mcdata/$fileName").fileDescriptor)
            val outputWriter = OutputStreamWriter(fileOutputStream)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            "Exception: ${e.message}".toLog()

I am getting File not found Exception on


But when I use"mcdata/$fileName") the it return the InputStream without any issue.

How I can write the new jsonObject on the file, which is located in mcdata/$fileName under asset folder


  • We can't edit/modify data in asset folder in run time or after application installed. assets folder are read only.

    So we move files into Internal Storage or to cacheDir to edit it.