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Styled Component Not Inheriting Extended Styles

I'm unable to figure out how extend my styles from my Styled components based on how the docs say they should work. I sat with a coworker and they also had no success. My component is this:

const PageBodyElement = styled.p<{ size?: 'small' | 'medium' | undefined }>`
  color: ${(props) => props.theme.colors.text};
  font-family: ${(props) =>};
  font-size: ${(props) => (props.size === 'small' ? '1.4rem' : '2.1rem')};

interface PageBodyProps {
  children: ReactNode
  size?: 'small' | 'medium' | undefined

export function PageBody(props: PageBodyProps) {
  return <PageBodyElement size={props.size}>{props.children}</PageBodyElement>

I/we want to be able to do something like this:

// outside of render
const ErrorTextPageBody = styled(PageBody)`
  color: red;
//inside render
<ErrorTextPageBody>Hello World</ErrorTextPageBody>

Where we can tweak one CSS property, in this case text color, without needing a new component or a new parameter. I get no errors and it renders just fine, however, the font color (or any and all styles) dont change. To me this seems exactly like the how-to guide on the Styled Components website says to do it but I've had no luck.


  • edit 1:

    i think i get what you mean.

    Maybe you can pass className to your PageBodyElement.

    here's sentence from the official docs:

    The styled method works perfectly on all of your own or any third-party component, 
    as long as they attach the passed className prop to a DOM element.

    So, with that logic, you should pass the className first like this:

    interface PageBodyProps {
      children: ReactNode
      className: any // don't know the type
      size?: 'small' | 'medium' | undefined
    export function PageBody(props: PageBodyProps) {
      return <PageBodyElement size={props.size} className={props.className}>{props.children}</PageBodyElement>

    And maybe you can extends it after that. I haven't tried it, but you can test my speculation