We are using bitbucket and git repo. When I push stuff to bitbucket repo, I can see only the the time of the commit. Is there any way to find out when the commit was pushed to the remote repo?
In eclipse I can see the commit time like this:
commit 81109Epsdfogf76c5066836521f54c87
Author: Oli Müller 2023-08-11 18:00:27
Committer: Oli Müller 2023-08-11 18:00:27
Git itself doesn't track details of pushes, pulls, clones, or other activity which could go over a network. Instead, it leaves that to the respective protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, etc.) and focuses on commits themselves.
If you need push times instead of commit times, then you'll have to rely on your provider to expose those. If they don't, then you might be able to set up a webhook that notifies someplace else whenever there's a push; the details of webhooks on Bitbucket will vary between the cloud version (bitbucket.org, see https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/manage-webhooks/) and specific Server/Datacenter versions (https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/manage-webhooks-938025878.html is for 8.12 but you need to choose the correct version!).