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Matching a list of names to files when the names are reversed

I have a .csv with a column called 'Name' listing individuals in Firstname MI. Lastname format:

  • Stephen A. Johnson.

And I have a folder full of files made by these individuals in lastnamefirstname format:

  • johnsonstephen_78938

Using the list of names I need to find the files that match and save those files to a separate folder.

What is the best way to do this?


  • Model

    Let's prepare some space to model:

    # necessary part
    import pandas as pd
    from pathlib import Path
    from shutil import copy     # consider copy2 as alternative if metadata should be copied as well
    # for demonstration purpose
    from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory 
    from os import listdir
    from io import StringIO
    data = '''
    Stephen A. Johnson
    Stephen B. Johnson
    Albert J. Reiß
    csv_source = StringIO(data)
    source = TemporaryDirectory(); src = Path(
    destin = TemporaryDirectory(); dst = Path(
    filenames = [
        'reissalbert_50',     # should be copied with `casefold` and ignored with `lower`
        'gibberish_10',       # should be ignored
    for file in filenames:

    Now the main part. There's at least one pitfall: casefold versus lower when applied to the original names. This may influence on the file names selected and should be consciously resolved on your side. I use casefold and the name "Reiß" to demonstrate how it might appear.

    # read the sequence of names
    person = pd.read_csv(csv_source, header=None).squeeze()
    # preparing name stems
    ersatz = (
        .str.casefold()     # not identical to `lower`, select one according to naming policy
        .str[::-2]          # it won't work if the middle name doesn't exist.
    # copying files of interest
    for name in ersatz:
        for file in src.rglob(f'{name}_*'):
            copy(file, dst)     

    Check the result and clean up the space:

    print(f'Source:      {listdir(src)}')
    print(f'Destination: {listdir(dst)}')

    Expected output:

    Source:      ['gibberish_1234', 'johnsonstephen_40', 'johnsonstephen_30', 'reissalbert_50']
    Destination: ['johnsonstephen_40', 'johnsonstephen_30', 'reissalbert_50']

    P.S. Alternatively, when loading a csv file, we can interpret whitespace characters as a delimiter:

    # read the sequence of names
    person = pd.read_csv(
    ersatz = person['lastname'].str.casefold() + person['firstname'].str.casefold()

    Real life

    from pandas import read_csv
    from pathlib import Path
    from shutil import copy     
    # declare csv-file and source/destination folders
    source = 'path/to/folder/with/files'
    destination = 'folder/to/copy/files/into'
    csv_source = 'path/to/comma_separated_data_with_column_Name.csv'
    # main script
    src = Path(source)
    dst = Path(destination)
    person = read_csv(csv_source)['Name'].squeeze()
    ersatz = (
        .pipe(lambda seq: seq.str[-1] + seq.str[0])    # rely only on first and last name
    for name in ersatz:
        for file in src.rglob(f'{name}_*'):
            copy(file, dst)