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How can I delete a resource owned by shared pointer from the vector C++

Actual Aim: Delete/Destroy the network from the vector and reintroduce it if needed.

So I wrote a small program to try the same.

I am facing problems in deleteing a shared pointer and setting it to nullptr. Directly setting to nullptr will lead to dangling pointer. How can I free that position without causing a memory leak?

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class ptr{
  int x;
  ptr(int a):x(a){  }
       cout << "destructor\n";
int main()
    v.push_back(shared_ptr<ptr>(new ptr(100)));
    v.push_back(shared_ptr<ptr>(new ptr(200)));
    v.push_back(shared_ptr<ptr>(new ptr(300)));
    v.push_back(shared_ptr<ptr>(new ptr(400)));
    v.push_back(shared_ptr<ptr>(new ptr(500)));
    auto it = v.begin();
    int i = 0;
    while(i < 5)
        if((*it)->x == 300)
            cout << "300 found \n";
            delete (*it);  // -> Problem is here.
    return 0;


  • Its a little odd that you are using smart pointers and at the same time want to manually manage the memory.

    However, there are several ways to let a smart pointer release the managed object:

    • the most natural: destroy the smart pointer. You could erase it from the vector
    • reset(), effectively the same as...
    • shared_ptr<int>().swap(v[i])
    • ... and more ...

    None of that results in a leak or a dangling pointer. You can misuse shared_ptr to create a dangling pointer or to get a memory leak, but you would have to really push hard to do so.

    Actual Aim: Delete/Destroy the network from the vector and reintroduce it if needed.

    This doesn't sound like smart pointers but rather like std::vector<std::optional<ptr>>. Alternatively consider to use a std::unordered_map<int,ptr> which can model a sparse std::vector where you can erase elements while the others keep their key (=index).