Im doing a password generator and when i try to put the data from the variable password into the db i get this error, idk why im getting this. im using pysimplegui to build the interface . Can someone help me pls? im a beginner. the code is this
lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
upper = lower.upper()
numbers = "0123456789"
symbols = "@"
all = lower + upper + numbers + symbols
length = int(ipt['crt'])
password ="".join(random.sample(all, length))
tb = ipt['site']
tbb = [tb]
cur.execute("INSERT INTO senhas(site, senha) VALUES(?, ?)",( tbb, password))
the ipt's are the inputs that i made.
im trying to get this error solved so i can move on to finish the project.
You Should Convert TBB To str For This To Work