I have a simple, pure python project that I want to make available with distutils. I have successfully created compressed tar files for the python modules and some license text files. These are the relevant parts of the setup.py
argument list:
requires = ['matplotlib', 'pytest'],
data_files = [ 'COPYING', 'COPYING.LESSER'],
The only problem is that this also puts the license files in the distribution, directly under sys.prefix
. I would like to ship the license files in the source distribution, but not install them when python setup.py install
is run. I currently have no MANIFEST.in
file and no post build actions.
You don’t have to put anything in data_files. The arguments to distutils.core.setup (py_modules, packages, data_files, etc.) control what will be built and installed; to distribute additional file, use a MANIFEST.in file: http://docs.python.org/dev/distutils/sourcedist#specifying-the-files-to-distribute There you can have your COPYING file, Python files for tests, anything, and they will not be installed.