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How can I allow an inner element to horizontally overflow outer element while staying centered?

I have the following HTML/CSS webpage:

body {
  margin: 0;

main {
  width: 50%;
  min-width: 600px;
  margin: auto;
  border: 1px solid red; /* for debugging purposes */

.wide-table {
  /* TODO */
  display: block;
  width: max-content;
  max-width: none;
  margin: 0 auto;

  border: 1px solid blue; /* for debugging purposes */
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <title>Anki Package Update Checker</title>
<body data-page-id="browse" data-new-gr-c-s-check-loaded="14.1034.0" data-gr-ext-installed="">
      <p>Text 1.</p>
      <p>Text 2.</p>
      <p>Text 3.</p>
      <table class="wide-table">
            <th class="txt-l">Name</th>
            <th class="txt-l">Author</th>
            <th>Last updated at</th>
            <td class="txt-l"><a href="/entry/1">Normal-length name</a></td>
            <td class="txt-l">Developer</td>
            <td>2023-08-14 13:30:55</td>
            <td class="txt-l"><a href="/entry/2">Very Long test deck name to check for table formatting</a></td>
            <td class="txt-l">Dev</td>
            <td>2023-08-14 13:24:40</td>
      <p>Text 4.</p>

The table can be less or more wide, depending on its content. When it is wider than <main>'s left and right boundaries allow, it starts to break the text inside and it looks ugly. I want to avoid that, so whenever the table requires more space than <main>'s width, I want it to overflow its left and right borders, while staying centered on the screen.

The closest I have achieved is in the snippet above. The problem is, it only overflows the right border like this.

What I want to achieve can be seen on this sketch:Sketch made in MS Paint


  • You could position it the 'old-fashioned' way, move it lefthalf the width of its parent and then back right by half the width of itself.

    body {
      margin: 0;
    main {
      width: 50%;
      min-width: 600px;
      margin: auto;
      position: relative;
      border: 1px solid red; /* for debugging purposes */
    .wide-table {
      /* TODO */
      display: block;
      width: max-content;
      min-width: 100%; /* depending on whether this is what is wanted, if not just remove it*/
      border: 1px solid blue; /* for debugging purposes */
       position: relative;
       left: 50%;
       transform: translateX(-50%);
    <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
      <title>Anki Package Update Checker</title>
    <body data-page-id="browse" data-new-gr-c-s-check-loaded="14.1034.0" data-gr-ext-installed="">
          <p>Text 1.</p>
          <p>Text 2.</p>
          <p>Text 3.</p>
          <table class="wide-table">
                <th class="txt-l">Name</th>
                <th class="txt-l">Author</th>
                <th>Last updated at</th>
                <td class="txt-l"><a href="/entry/1">Normal-length name</a></td>
                <td class="txt-l">Developer</td>
                <td>2023-08-14 13:30:55</td>
                <td class="txt-l"><a href="/entry/2">Very Long test deck name to check for table formatting</a></td>
                <td class="txt-l">Dev</td>
                <td>2023-08-14 13:24:40</td>
          <p>Text 4.</p>