My python version is 3.11 openpyxl 3.1.2
path = r"D:\input"
wb = op.load_workbook(path + "/test.xlsx")
ws =
data1 = ws["B2"].value
img_obj = ws._images[0]
img_data = img_obj.image # error
I'm trying to get image data but I'm getting this error;
AttributeError: 'Image' object has no attribute 'image'
So I tried changing it to the property of img_obj.img_data, but the result was the same.
img_data = img_obj.image_data # error
How can I access my image data? I'd like to insert image into my cell like this :
ws.add_image(img_obj, "D6")
There is no problem with files outside the Excel file,
and this problem occurs when I try to copy the image inside the Excel.
The following code should do what it looks like you want.
Basically copy and existing image in the sheet to another location
The only trouble is I tried it with the latest openpyxl version 3.1.2
and found that image_loader.get(image_loc)
causes an issue with the workbook and if don't reload the workbook and sheet again I get an error and corrupted workbook. When they are reloaded as shown the file saves correctly.
The code works on the original version I wrote this for which is 3.0.9
without having to reload the workbook/worksheet so maybe its an bug with the latest release.
import openpyxl as op
from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image
from openpyxl_image_loader import SheetImageLoader
path = r"D:\input"
wb = op.load_workbook(path + "/test.xlsx")
ws =
image_loc = 'A2' # Location of the original image in the sheet
image_loader = SheetImageLoader(ws)
### This loop can be used to find the image location if not known
# for image_loc in image_loader._images:
# print(image_loc)
# image_list_loc = image_loc
### load image from image location
### When this line is run on openpyxl 3.1.2 need to reload the workbook/sheet
image = Image(image_loader.get(image_loc))
### Reload the workbook and sheet
wb = op.load_workbook("test.xlsx")
ws =
### Add the image to new location
ws.add_image(image, 'D6')
### Save workbook'test.xlsx')