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Implement generic protocol which already has a default implementation?

I have the following code and it works:

import Foundation
import RealmSwift

protocol GetAllDBServiceProtocol {
    associatedtype T: Object
    func getall() -> [T]

extension GetAllDBServiceProtocol {
    func getAll() -> [T] {
        DBStorageService().fetch(by: T.self)

class DBStorageService {
    private let storage: Realm?
        _ configuration: Realm.Configuration = Realm.Configuration()
    ) { = try? Realm(configuration: configuration)

    func fetch<T: Object>(by type: T.Type) -> [T] {
        guard let storage else { return [] }
        return storage.objects(T.self).toArray()

Note: maybe it is incorrect to use RealmSwift via this way but it is not linked with the problem.

Now I want to add a service which returns a concrete realm object array:

class SomeDBService {
    private let storage: DBStorageService
    init(storage: DBStorageService) { = storage

extension SomeDBService: GetAllDBServiceProtocol {
    func getall() -> [SomeDBEntity] {
        DBStorageService().fetch(by: SomeDBEntity.self)

This works too but the problem is I can't access the default implementation of GetAllDBServiceProtocol - it becomes extra and can be safety removed.

So is it possible to make SomeDBService using default GetAllDBServiceProtocol implementation?


  • There are 2 problems with your code. Firstly, the method name of the default protocol implementation has a typo in it - getall vs getAll, which means you don't actually provide a default implementation.

    Secondly, when conforming to the protocol with the default implementation, you should simply define the associatedType via a typealias without declaring the getAll method.

    Here's a simplified working example that doesn't rely on Realm (adding back the Object type constraints will still work fine, I've just removed it to make the code compilable without needing Realm):

    protocol GetAllDBServiceProtocol {
        associatedtype Model
        func getAll() -> [Model]
    extension GetAllDBServiceProtocol {
        func getAll() -> [Model] {
            DBStorageService().fetch(by: Model.self)
    class DBStorageService {
        func fetch<T>(by type: T.Type) -> [T] {
    class SomeDBService {
        private let storage: DBStorageService
        init(storage: DBStorageService) {
   = storage
    extension SomeDBService: GetAllDBServiceProtocol {
        typealias Model = Int