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PHP Parsing XML to Get All String Values At Multiple Depths

I've got an XML like the following example:

    <title>I <underline><bold>LOVE</bold></underline> Coding</title>

I'd like to get the full text of the node title.

echo (string)$title;

I cannot seem to go deeper and grab the underlined/bold XML parts.

I would like the results to be a string I LOVE Coding.

How can I achieve this? I am only getting I Coding.

I've also tried xpath('string(//title)') but got an empty result.


  • SimpleXML is, quite frankly, not a good interface to work with. It's simple as in there's not much to it, but also simple in that there's a fair bit missing, and frequently ends up needing more work anyway.

    DomDocument is more full-featured, and by far better to work with, IMO.

    $xml = <<<_E_
        <title>I <underline><bold>LOVE</bold></underline> Coding</title>
    $d = new DomDocument();
    $x = new DomXPath($d);
    $r = $x->query('//title');


    string(13) "I LOVE Coding"