Search code examples

How to run it weaviate after setting embbeded client

I am first time using weaviate and typsecript as well.

I have set all options in embeded client:

const client: EmbeddedClient = weaviate.client(
  new EmbeddedOptions({
    port: 7878,
    version: '1.18.1',
    env: {
      DEFAULT_VECTORIZER_MODULE: 'text2vec-openai',
  // weaviate-ts-client ConnectionParams
    scheme: 'http',
    host: '',

My question is how do i run the code in ts. I am using visual studio code as editor.


  • Duda from Weaviate here :)

    I have answered this question also in our forums:

    There is a nice example on how to run Weaviate Embedded here:

    Considering you have those files under the same folder, you will need to install the dependencies:

    npm i

    now transform typescript code into javascript


    and run it:

    node dist/idex.js

    This is the expected output:

    node dist/index.js 
    Weaviate binary: /home/dudanogueira/.cache/weaviate-embedded-latest
    Data path: /home/dudanogueira/.local/share/weaviate
    Trying to connect to embedded db... {"errno":-111,"code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":9898}
    Started /home/dudanogueira/.cache/weaviate-embedded-latest @ -- process ID 518836
    {"action":"startup","default_vectorizer_module":"none","level":"info","msg":"the default vectorizer modules is set to \"none\", as a result all new schema classes without an explicit vectorizer setting, will use this vectorizer","time":"2023-08-14T14:23:27-03:00"}
    {"action":"startup","auto_schema_enabled":true,"level":"info","msg":"auto schema enabled setting is set to \"true\"","time":"2023-08-14T14:23:27-03:00"}
    {"level":"warning","msg":"Multiple vector spaces are present, GraphQL Explore and REST API list objects endpoint module include params has been disabled as a result.","time":"2023-08-14T14:23:27-03:00"}
    {"action":"grpc_startup","level":"info","msg":"grpc server listening at [::]:50051","time":"2023-08-14T14:23:27-03:00"}
    {"action":"restapi_management","level":"info","msg":"Serving weaviate at","time":"2023-08-14T14:23:27-03:00"}
    connected to embedded db!
    Embedded DB started
    {"action":"hnsw_vector_cache_prefill","count":1000,"index_id":"wine_Z1lw0YT8yNDP","level":"info","limit":1000000000000,"msg":"prefilled vector cache","time":"2023-08-14T14:23:28-03:00","took":134258}
      class: 'Wine',
      creationTimeUnix: 1692033808364,
      id: '43afc241-0846-40ff-a1dc-4f24439f9345',
      lastUpdateTimeUnix: 1692033808364,
      properties: { description: 'Smooth taste', name: 'Pinot noir' }
      deprecations: null,
      objects: [
          class: 'Wine',
          creationTimeUnix: 1692033808364,
          id: '43afc241-0846-40ff-a1dc-4f24439f9345',
          lastUpdateTimeUnix: 1692033808364,
          properties: [Object],
          vectorWeights: null
      totalResults: 1
      hostname: '',
      modules: {
        'generative-openai': {
          documentationHref: '',
          name: 'Generative Search - OpenAI'
        'qna-openai': {
          documentationHref: '',
          name: 'OpenAI Question & Answering Module'
        'ref2vec-centroid': {},
        'text2vec-cohere': {
          documentationHref: '',
          name: 'Cohere Module'
        'text2vec-huggingface': {
          documentationHref: '',
          name: 'Hugging Face Module'
        'text2vec-openai': {
          documentationHref: '',
          name: 'OpenAI Module'
      version: '1.20.5'
    Embedded db @ PID 518836 successfully stopped
    {"action":"restapi_management","level":"info","msg":"Shutting down... ","time":"2023-08-14T14:23:28-03:00"}
    {"action":"restapi_management","level":"info","msg":"Stopped serving weaviate at","time":"2023-08-14T14:23:28-03:00"}

    Note: Weaviate Embedded is marked as Experimental as of now.