I am writing an application to update users in Entra's "Azure AD for Customers" (now in Preview) by calling Microsoft Graph. The application is granted with permissions "User.ReadWrite.All".
When I send a patch request to update businessPhones of a specific user e.g. {"businessPhones":["+41761234567"]}, I always receive a response code 403 with the message "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation", even if the businessPhones parameter is just an empty collection, i.e. {"businessPhones":[]}. It also does not matter whether the businessPhones is empty or not.
I have used Microsoft Graph Explorer to test / reproduce this and it seems that:
I have tried to modify permissions using Microsoft Graph Explorer e.g. by adding Directory.ReadWrite.All but this also didn't result in any improvement.
There are a number of similar issues on StackOverflow but in my opinion this issue behaves slightly different and I can only reproduce this for Azure AD for Customers users (the issue does not occur for regular Azure AD users).
I have user named SriCustomer
in my Azure AD for Customers repository:
When I tried to update businessPhones property of this user using below PATCH request, I got same error as you even after granting User.ReadWrite.All
and Directory.ReadWrite.All
PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/11475d17-d370-4ecc-9bec-xxxxxxxxx/
"businessPhones": [
Note that,
are sensitive properties that requires additional permissions or roles to update.In delegated scenarios, updating sensitive properties require extra permission named Directory.AccessAsUser.All.
As Graph Explorer works with delegated authentication, I added Directory.AccessAsUser.All
permission like below:
When I ran the PATCH request again after granting consent to above permission, I got response like this:
PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/11475d17-d370-4ecc-9bec-xxxxxxxxx/
"businessPhones": [
To confirm that, I checked the same in Portal where businessPhones
property updated successfully like below:
Similarly, you can also update mobilePhone
property after granting consent to Directory.AccessAsUser.All permission.
Reference: Update user - Microsoft Graph beta