I have a CNAME record pointing from the subdomain I bought sub.example.com
to my load balancer example.region.elb.amazonaws.com
. When I visit https://sub.example.com
the website works fine but when I visit the load balancer it's telling me that the certificate is invalid.
I know this has been asked a few times, but the difference is that my setup works on the domain I bought not on the load balancer itself. So how do I make the certificate valid on ACM? Or is it fine to leave it as is, since https
works fine on sub.example.com
? I'm using cloudflare DNS and cloudflare's origin certificate if that matters.
You can't have SSL certificate for elb.amazonaws.com
, because this is not your domain, but it belongs to AWS. To get a valid SSL cert you need to have your own domain. You can buy it using Route53 or any other domain registrar.