I have this graph in Stata 14:
built with this data:
I used two commands to generate the last two variables to build the graph I want:
// Command 1
gen mayores_65=0 if Edad>=65 & ID !=.
replace mayores_65=1 if Edad<65
label values mayores_65 dSíNo
label define dSíNo 0 "No" 1 "Sí"
label values mayores_65 dSíNo
// Command 2
gen Estatus=0 if Nivel_social==0
replace Estatus=1 if Nivel_social==1
replace Estatus=2 if Nivel_social==2 | Nivel_social==3 | Nivel_social==4 | Nivel_social==5
And then I generate the graph (first image) with:
graph bar (percent), over(Estatus) over(mayores_65)
Is there any possibility to obtain this graph?
You may find this sequence helpful:
sysuse auto, clear
graph bar (percent) , over(rep78) over(foreign)
graph bar (percent) , over(rep78) over(foreign) asyvars