I am trying to get column names for a Given table. So I wrote a query like this:
SELECT sc.Name
FROM Asdim.dbo.sysobjects so
INNER JOIN Asdim.dbo.syscolumns sc ON so.id = sc.id
INNER JOIN Asdim.dbo.systypes st ON sc.xtype = st.xusertype
WHERE so.Name = 'Admin'
The problem is that I have two tables with name 'Admin' but they have different schemas. So when I run this query:
SELECT * FROM Asdim.dbo.sysobjects
WHERE name LIKE 'Admin'
I get two records since the table names are same. Is there a way that I caould filter out based on the schema name too?
tables will be easier and more portable:
SELECT c.column_name
FROM information_schema.columns c
WHERE c.table_name = 'Admin' and c.table_schema = 'SCHEMA'