i have a question regarding dynamic reloading of images that i want to display to the user.
To put you in context, I have 2 tables, one ‘PEOPLE_INFO’ containing infos about people (full_name, photo_blob, …) , and the other PEOPLE_QUOTE' contains Quotes and messages that these people submit. So the two tables are linked by a FK in the latter.
Now what I want to do is to create a form where a user/admin can enter and add/update the quotes of these people. The form is based on the PEOPLE_QUOTE table, and i want to add an image display where we can show the photo that the person has in the PEOPLE_INFO table.
What i was planing to do is to have a dynamic action lunch on page load, that will set the value of the display image to the blob returned by an sql statement, and then refresh that display image item.
SELECT photo_blob FROM people_info WHERE people_id = :P1_PEOPLE_ID
But the image doesn't change and i can't seem to wrap my had around why this happens.
APEX Version: #sql #user-interface #general
Since you have a N:1 relationship between PEOPLE_QUOTE and PEOPLE_INFO you can create a form on a select that includes a join between PEOPLE_QUOTE and PEOPLE_INFO. That way your image can just be stored in a page item. No need for a dynamic action.