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Powershell Management.Automation ParameterBindingException

I am trying to run this command in code and using the AddArgument command for the Select PrimarySMTPAddress but in code I am getting a error message.


System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException: 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'Select PrimarySMTPAddress'.'

PowerShell working

Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity emailaddress -ResultSize Unlimited | Select PrimarySMTPAddress

c# Code

powerShell.AddParameter("Identity", distributionGroup.Name);
powerShell.AddArgument("Select PrimarySMTPAddress");


  • Basically you're missing .AddCommand("Select-Object") (Note: Select is an alias of Select-Object) then you can chain it into .AddArgument("PrimarySMTPAddress") and it should work properly. I don't have access to Get-DistributionGroupMember but using a built-in cmdlet and a similar statement as you have:

    Get-ChildItem -Filter *.ps1 -File -Recurse |
        Select-Object FullName

    Would look like this:

    public static Collection<PSObject> Invoke()
        using PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create()
            .AddParameters(new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "Filter", "*.ps1" },
                { "File", true },
                { "Recurse", true }
        return ps.Invoke();

    You might find it easier to bind arguments using .AddParameters as demonstrated above.

    Possibly the statement for your use case would look like this:

    public static Collection<PSObject> Invoke()
        using PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create()
            .AddParameters(new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "Identity", "emailAddress" },
                { "ResultSize", "Unlimited" }
        return ps.Invoke();

    If you want to select more than one property you can do:

            .AddArgument(new string[] { "PrimarySMTPAddress", "OtherProp", .. });