I am following the example How can I process multi-line records with awk in a bash script
My input is:
Restaurant: Chik-Fil-A
City: Columbus
State: GA
Address: 123 Biscayne Blvd
Phone: 911
Restaurant: 5 guys
City: Columbus
State: GA
Address: 123 Peachtree Rd
Phone: 911
Restaurant: KFC
City: NYC
State: NY
Address: 123 Madison Square
Phone: 911
Restaurant: Bahama Breeze
City: Orlando
State: FL
Address: 123 Madison Square
Phone: 911
I want to select all restaurants in Columbus:
awk -v name="Columbus" -v RS="" '$0 ~ "City: " name' file.txt
My output is this:
Restaurant: Chik-Fil-A
City: Columbus
State: GA
Address: 123 Biscayne Blvd
Phone: 911
Restaurant: 5 guys
City: Columbus
State: GA
Address: 123 Peachtree Rd
Phone: 911
What I would like is this:
Restaurant: Chik-Fil-A
City: Columbus
State: GA
Address: 123 Biscayne Blvd
Phone: 911
Restaurant: 5 guys
City: Columbus
State: GA
Address: 123 Peachtree Rd
Phone: 911
I would like each output record to be separated by a newline. I've tried playing with FS and ORS but I keep on getting the same result. I would really appreciate any help.
You can set ORS
to two newlines to obtain the desired output:
awk -v name="Columbus" -v ORS="\n\n" -v RS="" '$0 ~ "City: " name' file.txt